I Wish I Was Different Quotes are the words that you can use to express your feelings to someone and make them realize what you feel. These quotes can be used in many situations such as when you want to express your love and affection towards someone or when you want to say sorry for something. These quotes are very helpful in helping you express your feelings clearly and effectively so that the person gets the message of what you want to say.
I Wish I Was Different Quotes
- I wish I was different so I could help more people.
- I wish I was different. It would make life so much easier.
- I wish I was different. I wish that when you look at me, you see me as I am, not as others have made me.
- I wish I was different. That way, maybe I could make a difference, too.
- It’s okay to be a little weird. It’s even better to be a lot weird. Be yourself and let your individuality shine through!
- If you can’t be yourself, who can you be?
- Don’t be a slave to your dreams, be free.
- I’ve got the world by the tail, and I’m not letting go.
- Life is about choices, not mistakes.
- You can’t change the past, but you can shape your future.
- It’s okay if you don’t have it all figured out—you’re not the first and you won’t be the last.
- I wish i was different. I wish i was an alien. I wish i was special. I wish i was the only one in existence.
- I wish i was different, but I’m who i am.
- I wish I was different. I wish someone would have told me the whole story before I got married.
- I wish I was different, so I could have the things that other people have.
- I wish I was different. I wish I could make a difference. I wish I could be more than just me. But what can I do? It’s never going to change. It’s always going to be the same ol’ same ol’.
- I wish I was different. I wish I was better. I wish I had the strength to feel everything that you feel, and go through what you go through. But when everything’s a mess, you don’t have time to feel sorry for yourself.
- I wish I was different. Everyone says I’m the same. But I know deep inside, I’m not.
- I wish I was different, but I’m not. I wish I was strong, but that’s not how things work. I wish I had the answers, but I don’t.
- I wish I was different, but I am not. I wish things were different, but they aren’t. I wish I could do something about it, but I can’t. My days are numbered.
- I used to wish I was different. But I realized that being different is an awesome thing when you have courage to do something about it.
- I wish I were a better person. I wish I was different. But I’m not and that’s okay 💁
- I wish I was a different person, but it’s too late. The only thing I can do is be the best me I can be right now.
- “Be different, not just better.”
- No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
- I wish I was different. Then, maybe you’d really love me.
- I wish I was different. I wish my life was the same, I wish my past didn’t haunt me and I wish that now would be different.
- I wish I was different. I wish I was strong enough to be brave, smart enough to be clever, and funny enough to make you laugh at me.
- I wish I was different. I’m not. And that’s okay.
- I wish I was different.
- I wish I was different.I wish I wasn’t a bitter person. I wish things didn’t make me cry so easily. But they do and they will. So be it—I accept them and work to improve myself every day.
- I wish I was different. It would be so much easier to follow in your footsteps, because it looks like you’re already doing great. Instead, I’m just me. And that’s OK!
- I wish I was different, but I’m not.
- I wish I was different. I wish I was somebody else.
- I wish I was different. I wish I could be more than what I am. I wish I could be something more than what my mind can conceive.
- Wishing I could be different but wishing is a waste of time 🙃
- life is too short to live the same old way. you were sent here to change. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.
- I’m going to change the world. That’s why it needs me.
- Happiness is the best revenge.
- Every single day is a gift, so make the most of it.
- I wish I was different. But, in this life, you don’t get to choose who you are. You just have to love yourself anyway.
- Wish I was different and you would want me to be. But that’s not the case. I mean, we all know that there are times when you want someone different, right? Well, I am who I am and you should love me or leave me alone because I’m good.
- I wish I was different. I wish I could be like everyone else. Then, I could be happy.
- I wish I was different. My life would be so much easier.
- I wish I was different. I wish I was amazing, talented and had a super model body. But to be honest, that’s not me. That’s just my platform to share how you can change your life in the most empowering way possible
- I wish I was different. I wish I had more courage. But all I have is time. And so today, I will start the journey of becoming the person I always wanted to be.
- I wish I was different. I wish my hair was red and curly, not straight and boring
- I wish I was different. I wish I had less flaws and more goodness. I wish that everyone saw my best side, and only my best side. I wish that living a life with integrity and transparency is so easy…but it’s not. It takes time, effort, hard work and a lot of courage to make the decisions that reflect our values on a daily basis.
- Wish I was different rather than the person I am.
- I am not different. I am a reflection of how you see yourself
- No matter how hard we try, we will never be different from ourselves. Live well today!
- No regrets, only second chances.
- You are perfect just the way you are.
- You should never regret the choices you made. Regret is not a choice, and sometimes in life you have to make hard decisions that are going to hurt somewhat at first, but then in time it will be worth it.
- It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.
- I wish I was different, so that I could be everything you need.
- I wish I was different, but I’m human. There’s nothing wrong with being who you are.
- I wish I was different. I wish I was better. I wish I was something else. But the truth is…I’m just me. Yours, ⠀⠀⠀⠀☎
- I wish I was different. I am who I am and I’m not going to change for anyone.
- I wish I was different. But I’m not.
- I wish I was different, but I’ll settle for me.
- I wish I was different. I wish I had some sort of talent, something to write about. But, I don’t have any abilities at all. I’m just a man, and there are millions more like me out there.
- I wish I was different. I would set my alarm for 6 a.m. and get up to go on adventures.
- I wish I was different, but I’m not. I wish I was more confident. But I am where I am, and so this is me, who am I to complain?
- There’s a million things I wish I was different, but I’m not.
- I wish I was someone else. Someone less perfect, less popular, less liked and more unique. I wish I could be the person who no one ever wants to talk to or hang out with and who has no friends at all. Hey that’s me!
- You are beautiful, you are talented, you are unique. You have been through hell and back and yet here you stand…stronger than ever.
- Not everything is about you. You’re not the only one who matters.
I Wish I Was Different Captions
- Don’t wish for what other people have, wish for what you want for yourself.
- We are not our best moments. We are the sum of all our experiences.
- I wish I was different because I’d be better.
- I wish I was different. It would be so much easier.
- I wish I was different. I wish I had it all figured out. I wish my life was so simple.
- I wish I was different, but I’m not. You can be anything you want to be if you try.
- I wish I was different, so I could change the world.
- I wish I was different—worrying would be a waste of time.
- “I wish I was different. If I could be any one thing, it would be something new.”
- were you born different, or did you change?
- You will never be different in the eyes of anyone, but you can choose to be different in your own eyes.
- Be who you want to be, not who people think you should be.
- Just because you have a dark past, it doesn’t mean you have to live in the darkness. You just need to find your light
- The secret to living a creative and fulfilling life is being open to what’s new and different.
- Your life is the sum of all of your experiences, so make sure you’re living them with all your heart.
- I wish I was different so that you could love me.
- I’m so different than the people around me and it’s hard to fit in. I wish i was different.
- I wish I was different. I wish I was better. I wish I was more. And so do you. You are enough just the way you are!
- I wish I was different so I could change the world.
- I wish I was different. I wish I was a better person, but I’m not.
- I wish I was different. But then again, I always say that.
- I wish I was different but sometimes it’s better to stay the same.
- Be different for a reason, not because you think it’s cool. It’s important to know what you value, what you stand for, and how you want to live your life. Be true to yourself.
- it’s not what you think, it’s how you feel.
- “You can’t be what you want to be if you’re not who you really are.”
- You don’t have to be extraordinary, but you do have to take the ordinary and make it extraordinary.
- You can’t control what you are; but you can control how you respond to it.
- Do not regret yesterday, tomorrow may be too late.
- To be or not to be—that is the question.
- i wish i was different, but i am the same
- I wish I was different, but I’m not. I wish for everything that you have and more.
- I wish I was different. But I’m not. So, what can you do?
- I wish I was different but I’m not.
- I wish I was different, but I’m not.
- Wish I was different. Wish I had someone who could get it. Wish I lived in a world where you were here to see it all. But, I can’t change the way things are or the ways that they pass – wish in one hand and shit on the other and be on your way
- I’m not that girl. I wish I was different.
- If only I was different, if only I acted the way you want me to.
- if you want to change the world, start by making small changes in your own life.
- I am not who I was back then but I am better now. #damn_it
- Life is a journey, not a destination. Keep going, make your own music.
- You can’t change the past, but you can make the future!
- Change is not easy, but it is always worthwhile.
- You can do anything you put your mind to. Don’t limit yourself, just be better than you were yesterday!
- I wish I was different, I wish I could be who you want me to be. I wish this day would never end, but then again tomorrow seems a lot like today.
- I wish I was different, so I could be gifted.
- I wish I was different and different would be nice.
- I wish I was different, but I’m not. You can be anything you want to be.
- I wish I was different. I wish I had changed. But I’m not; the choices I have made have given me greater happiness than if I’d followed a different path
- I wish I was different. I wish that I could be someone different, and not just try to be like everyone else.
- I wish I was different, and here is why.
- I wish I was different. I wish I was better. I wish you didn’t have to see me this way.
- I wish I was different, but then again, I’m not.
- I wish I was different, but I’m not. So, I have to be me.
- Your differences are what make you unique. They’re both the things that set you apart from the rest and also what makes you beautiful.
- I’m different, you’re the same. You’re a frat boy and I’m a sorority girl?Whatever.
- If you don’t like who you are, change. If you can’t change yourself, change your environment.
- The past is just a story. You can either let it define you or you can learn from it and make the future better. #repost
- Life is a journey, not a destination.
- I wish I was different. I wish I had the confidence to be who I wanted to be, but unfortunately that’s not the case.
- I wish I was different. I wish I could be like them, but I’m not.
- I wish I was different. I wish none of this had happened to me.
- I wish I was different, I wish we were different. We should be one in the same…
- I wish I was different, but I’m not.
- I wish I was different. I wish I didn’t have the same insecurities and flaws as everyone else. But then, I wouldn’t be me, would I?
- I wish I was different, but I’m not. The truth is, we’re all just different versions of ourselves.
- “I wish I was different, I wish that I could change, but it’s too late.” -Nada Surf
- I wish I was a different color. I wish I was taller. I wish people liked me more.
- “I love you more than you’ll ever know, but in a different way.” – said by someone who doesn’t know me
- You can’t wish for different results, you have to wish for different actions.
- The less we have in common, the more we appreciate each other.
- If you don’t believe in yourself, then how can anyone else?
- I wish I was different… then maybe I’d feel like I belonged.
- I wish I was different. I wish things were different. But I’m not complaining—I just want to be happy.
- I wish I was different. I wish I could change everything. But the things that matter most, they don’t change.
- I wish I was different, then I wouldn’t have to be so perfect.
- I wish I was different. Then I could make others different. Then I’d have something to write about…
- I wish I was different, but I’m not. I’m the same as everyone else, except for one small thing: I am a little more beautiful than everybody else.
- When I make a mistake, I say “I wish I was different,” and then make the same decision over again.
- You are exactly the person, who makes me feel unique and beautiful. #whyitever
- I wish I were a different person, so I could be as happy as I am sad.
- There are no two people with the same exact life. Never stop being different.
- We are the difference we make in people’s lives.
- You’re not who you were yesterday, but you can still be a better person today. You don’t want to wake up tomorrow with the same person you were yesterday, do you?
- You don’t have to be perfect to be amazing.
- It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.
- We all have the capacity to be great, but it takes a lot of work and dedication on our part. So we must remember that if we want to be better, that’s the only way we get better.
- I wish I was different, I wish I could make a difference. But the truth is, I’m just like you: a flawed human being with faults and weaknesses that define my heart.
- I wish I was different. I wish I could be someone else so that I could give you what you want, but then again I’d probably be no fun to be around. So I might as well stick with me because that’s the way it is
- I wish I was different but I am me.
- I wish I was different than the person I am and I wish I could change things. But life goes on and it’s not always what you wanted it to be but either way is just makes you stronger, like a diamond.
- I wish I was different, but my habits are the same.
- I wish I was different, I wish I looked like everyone else. But I don’t, and it’s okay. #thisiswhatimtalkingabout
- “I wish I was different, but I’m not.”
- No matter how different you are, you’re still a human being, and nobody should be treated differently just because they’re different.
- The truth is, you are far from being a failure. You are strong, courageous and incredible. Don’t let anyone tell you differently
- if you want things to change, you gotta be the change.
- You don’t need to be happy all the time. You need to be happy most of the time.
- I wish i was different, but when it comes down to it I’m just like everyone else.
- I wish I was different. I wish there was something that could make me feel better about who I am, but there isn’t. So this is me being honest and sharing that with you all.
- I wish I was different. But I’m not, so I don’t really care what you think about me.
- I wish I was different but instead I’m just me.
- I wish I was different, but I’m not.
I Wish I Was Different Message
- I wish I was different, but I’m me.
- I wish I was different. I wish my hair wasn’t blonde, and I wished it didn’t grow to my waist. I wish that I could like things that are popular, like Instagram, and other social media sites 🙁.
- i wish that i could wear more makeup, brush my teeth and style my hair to make me look good in front of others.
- I wish I wasn’t so good at being me.
- There’s someone who thinks like you and there’s someone who doesn’t. What is it that makes you different from them?
- The only thing I wish for myself is to be better at being me.
- You can’t change who you are. You can only learn to accept yourself, flaws and all.
- There are always things that we want to be and do but we’re not. We are who we are and there’s nothing wrong with that.
- Becoming perfect is impossible, but becoming okay is completely possible.
- I wish I was different, so that I could be a better you.
- I wish I was different, but I’m just as crazy as you.
- I wish I was different, so you can know that I am.
- I wish I was different, but I’m not. I’m just me.
- I wish I was different. I wish I was a superhero 🦄
- I wish I was different. I wish I could be a better me, but then what would be different?
- I wish I was different, but I’m not.
- I wish I was different, but I am the same.
- I wish I was different, but you know what they say: “Never wish for a thing you can have”.
- I wish I were different, but then again, i’m not.
- You got to do what you think is right and hope for the best. I wish I was different.
- I wish I was different than I am. But, since I’m not, I will try my best to be better.
- “I wish I was taller, smarter and more confident. But you know what? I am who I am, and that’s pretty OK in this world.”
- Life is too short to be ordinary. Live a little. LiveAmazingly
- You can be the best version of yourself by being the most honest version of yourself. #iwishiweredifferent
- I wish I was different. That would be great. I don’t want to be you—I want to be better than you.
- I wish I was different. I wish I didn’t have to change who I am to please someone else.
- I wish I was different. I would love to be a different person.#iWishIWas
- I wish I was different. I wish that I wasn’t me—that I didn’t think like I do, feel what I feel, or have all the things that come with who I am.
- I wish I was different, but I am not. ☕
- I wish I was different, but I’m not.
- I wish I was different, but since I’m not – I’m going to change.
- Some people push themselves, some people have to be pushed. I often wonder if it’s better to push yourself or wait for the right moment and let someone else do it for you. That’s what I wish I was different.
- I wish I were different, so I could be more like you.
- Some days, your best feeling is wishing you were different.
- Being different is a gift. It means you were born in the wrong time, the wrong place and with the wrong parents.
- You can’t always pick the socks you get, but you can always pick who you are and what you do.
- Be yourself because no one else is.
- i wish i was different because you are beautiful the way that you are
- I wish i was different. It would be easier that way. I would just be perfect.
- I wish I was different but I’m not. I Wish I Was Stronger, Wiser and More Emotionally Intelligent
- I wish I was different. But I am who I am. It’s my life, but it’s also yours.
- I wish I was different. But I’m not.
- I wish I was different. I wish I had made a different choice in the past, so now I could be different and not make the same mistakes. But I am me, my present is what it is and what’s done is done.
- I wish I was different, but I’m not. I wish things were different, but they’re not. So I’ll be myself and be happy with just me.
- I wish I was different, but I’m not. Sometimes I just pray that my heart will break into a million pieces, so that maybe then, some of the pieces might fall in you.
- I wish I was different but I am what I am. The same old story, trite and worn out. But I’m not complaining, its all good!
- I wish I was different but I’m not. I still taste like chicken.
- I wish I was different, I wish I was strong enough to face the world, I wish I had balls the size of planets. But what I do have is a couple of scars and an open heart that no one can hold against me.
- I wish I wasn’t like I was, but I’m not sure how to change.
- You don’t have to be the same kind of person that everyone else thinks you should be. You are good enough just the way you are.
- Don’t wish yourself into being someone else. You’ve got to work at it.
- If you could be someone else, who would you be?